Monday, February 1, 2016


I usually started or what people usually called an intro about fashion, beauty or even a life update. But today is also going to be a little update for you guys. If you guys followed me on Instagram, Twitter or even Snapchat, then you must know that I've just started working. It has been 2 or maybe 3 weeks now and I have to say it is so exhausting and a lot of challenge going on, my time just stop focusing on my social platform which is Twitter and Instagram. And I really hate about that so much. I know that I have to schedule my time for social networks and all that jazz.

Anyways, even though work is very exhausting but it is so much fun actually. I know a little bit of life now and how to save some money, talk about financial stuffs, walk faster even more, do my job faster even more because time doesn't wait you, you have to chase time by yourself, never late, how to speak with customers, how to interact with your store manager, eat on time, don't let your staff room dirty, always stay clean (not that I'm not clean), keep your work space tidy and neat, work as a team, meet new friends, and so much more.

My parents told me that now I know a little bit more about the world. If you're my friend, and you are reading this right now, and you're probably thinking 'laa it's just a job' then you are wrong my friend. If you're not working and you're saying that way, then shut your mouth and let me explain things to you. Your parents has gave you everything, work hard for you, support the entire family just to provide stuff for you, even though one of your parents is working & one's is not, he/she is working their ass off for you, just for you. And you just ask them and you will be so mad or merajuk if they didn't buy the stuff that you wanted too. Now I know. Now I understand how is it feels like to be working. To save some money and buy things that important. And I also realize now, maybe that's why my parents wouldn't let me to buy so expensive stuffs because they need to support or even to save for something else.

If you're working and you'd probably understand this. And I really have to say this, I am so proud of everyone who is working right now. Even though, you just work at a Pizza restaurant, cafe's or anything. Young or old. Anyone. I am so proud. So so proud actually. I know that one of you had got home so late at night just to work your ass off. I know that. Because I'm also like that. You guys deserves anything or even everything that you wanted too.

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